Showing posts with label The Art Institute of Colorado. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Art Institute of Colorado. Show all posts

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Cynthia Repasy: Beauty

Beauty in the eye of the beholder?  That's a bunch of crap.  From the day we are born, we are taught what beauty is.  Whether it be by our parents, our friends, or through televison.  So what is beauty?  And how do we know that it is truly beautiful?  For me, beauty is the inner peace I feel when I've accomplished a difficult goal, when I finished a quarter of school...without failing, and when I see my children accomplish their goals.  Beauty is something that will be different for each and every person.  It's your job to figure out what it means to you and how to achieve it.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Emily Boozé - Beauty

  I'm not a perfect girl. My hair doesn't always stay in place and I spill things a lot. I'm pretty clumsy and sometimes I cry. My friends and I sometimes fight and maybe somedays nothing goes right.
   When I think about it and take a step back, I remember how amazing life truly is and maybe, just maybe, I like being unperfect.
  Beauty is the the innocence of a child. The curiousity of the world. The trust they have for the ones they know. They are learning and are not perfect...but who is?

Monday, April 30, 2012

Time: Justin Stapp

While lots of people say photography is about light, I say there is also another power at play: Time.  Photographic images wouldn't exist without light, but in the same aspect could you say the same about an image's existence in respect to time? I guess it is one of those chicken or the egg moments. The more I think about it though I know time has a huge influence on whatever photograph one may look at. Time within the artist's life, the time it took to make the image, the timing of the moment the image was taken. Anyway you look at it, time had an influence. Photographers have always studied light. What about the study of time, like the image I have made, a construct of time if you will. I tried to compress my bike commute time into one single frame.  If you are intrigued you might enjoy taking a look at Michael Wesely's work and study of time where he takes exposures years at a time.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Funky: Emily Booze`

  Long exposures have always interested me. They are cool and a little funky. It seems to always be a challenge to make a design with a small light in the dark.
  I love the fact that photography literally means drawing with light. Sometimes you can spend hours in the dark with a light and a camera and not even realize it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

  When one thinks of a mirror they think of a surface capable of reflecting sufficient undiffused light to form an image of an object placed in front of it. In the old days people called it a looking glass. I alway wonder what could be behind it looking back. Is it really you or not? Does it reflect what you want it to or does it make you want to scream? You'll never really know the truth behind, "The Mirror". 

Old School - Emily Boozé

Old School reminds me of alot of things from the 80's and 90's. Big hair, neon colors, MTV, and video games. Sega Genesis is one of the gaming systems that I had and still have to this day. I remember playing Sega almost everyday as a kid. Every kid was at our house taking turns playing on snowy and rainy days. Some times playing Sega would take me away from reality. One of my favorite childhood memories.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Most food is a little bland in my opinion and more often than not I tend load up whatever meal I can with various peppers, spices and hot sauces to give it that extra kick! Every once in a while however, I bite off a little more I can chew and end up breaking a hot sweat on my lunch break. When that happens, this is how I feel inside! Lips dry the more I wet them, and every breath ignites a scorching burn like the sun to a pale kid at a water park! I love it!


Sunday, March 6, 2011


Thomas Edison once said, "I love electricity," and I must say, I agree. I also love electricity; and energy. Edison hates energy compared to how much I love it. No contest.

Drew Lundquist BLOG

Monday, February 28, 2011


"All men dream: but not equally." To be 'rich' in wealth, good company, territory, flavor or vibrance, it was difficult to determine what I thought the word should mean; 'plentiful' and 'abundant' according to Websters. I struggled to find a good representation of the word and eventually confused myself, hindering any creative progress. Being rich in color or flavor was an initial plan but I never really felt good about any of the shots I got. There's a reason why I distance myself from food photography. For as long as I can remember, I've fantasized about venturing off to uncharted islands, in search of buried treasure. It's right up there with learning the ways of the Force, and flying, so, in short, this is a representation of the search for wealth (to become rich)
A bit of a stretch I know, but finding treasure is about as likely as me becoming rich; but that's fine I don't need to be rich, I just don't want to struggle.
(note: I also got to play with fire)

Inspired by the popular video game series "Uncharted" by Naughty Dog
Outfit Reference Photo

Drew Lundquist BLOG

Monday, August 9, 2010

Color by Josie Lam

This week's concept was color and I wanted to go with a Chinese/Feng Shui type of theme only using white, gold and blue as the main colors.

I also took three different shots with different angles and perspectives 
(as in, the way you would look at it if you were in front of it, getting closer to see it clearer)

I was also messing around with Gimp and used a few filters (I'm trying to get more accustomed to it.)
when I was in the process of checking if my shots were in focus and whatnot.  
(Note: I don't own CS4/CS5 at the moment, which is why I have Gimp, 
I'd probably have Photoshop if I weren't a poor college student :( ) 

I hope you enjoyed! :]