Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The Dying Process

Death - Lizzy Flowers

Death: Anthony S. Archuleta

Ana Escalante sits in her kitchen reflecting the memories of her father. Being of Mexican descent, "Dia de los Muertos" is a significant holiday that is traditionally celebrated in her culture. Rest in Peace.
Death - Mike Fabricius
Death: AMM

Playgrounds have always held a particularly creepy feeling for me. Not simply because they are often made of sharp, metal objects. Rather, because they symbolize that fragile moment when we leave childhood behind and venture into adulthood. I can’t help but think about all the children who once found joy there, and have since abandoned the simple pleasures of their youth for the complications that await us when we grow up.
Death: "Phillina Martinez"
Death- Philip Burdette

the poison in my blood
Monday, November 1, 2010
DEATH: Raydene Salinas
Death. A depressing concept. So rather than photographing something that I don’t particularly care to even think about, I decided to tap into my other passion, design.
Lately I have been enthralled with learning new techniques in Adobe Illustrator, with the help of the best graphic designer I know, Mike Low. He has patiently taught me things that I have previously only dreamed of being able to do, namely, a distressed look on letters. Cool.
On to the concept: Death. The inspiration for this design comes from photography, the career I’ve chosen to pursue. The incident: leaving my ISO at 400 when shooting on a bright sunny day with my trusty Olympus. If you own an Olypmus, or have ever used one, you know that it’s very particular about the ISO it prefers. Anything over 100 and your photos are noisy to the extend that they are no longer usable.
In short: ISO 100 or death.
Links: Mike's website: mikeslow.com
Death - The one with the Dark Knight - MacKenzie Carullo
I saw him on the side of the road, he looked so majestic against the setting sun.
I knew that he was the idea that even though time passes, nothing really changes. Life moves on.
Death: Cameron Dabney

Death-Jeff Sipes
When I thought about death, the first thing that came to my mind was a graveyard. I knew of this huge graveyard not too far away and went there to find some architecture. This was the most unique architectural structure I found and couldn't pass it up. My main focus in photography right now is architecture. I enjoyed working with this photograph because of the great contrast between the building and sky. Even though it’s a mausoleum, the sky makes it feel like there is a brighter day ahead.
Death: Clint Kaiser

Death - Sharon Arnoldi
I actually shot this with my iphone, on purpose. My iphone gives takes a blurry image and the app I have for it makes it look very interesting. I really like taking photos with my iphone and the hipstamatic app.
Technology: Anthony S. Archuleta

My idea of technology came from the idea that normalcy is boring. So I used this time to create an image that was humorous and a little quirky. I think this is fun and a play toward futuristic wackiness.